How Johnson Financial Group saved 2,000 hours with a modern desktop initiative
Video Transcript: Johnson Financial Group modernizes deployment
When I think of SHI I think of partnership and how our account team is very much there to represent us and to support us in where our transformation journey is taking us.
Hi my name is Erin Zickos and I am a senior vice president of Information Technology at Johnson Financial Group. I'm responsible for our infrastructure engineering operations and field services and service desk support.
So when I got to John's Financial Group we had a lot of inconsistency in our PC deployment, we had a lot of differences in troubleshooting and being able to predict what to expect when we made changes. I knew from my previous company that I had worked with SHI and what a valuable resource they were in helping us figure it out and helping us work through the contracts and nobody knows Microsoft like SHI knows Microsoft. Partnering with SHI moved down the path of Microsoft autopilot and InTune moving away from our Legacy Imaging systems and manual installations moving to packaging tools as recommended through the partners that we worked with through SHI and made sure we had everything centralized more secure more Baseline configuration and able to deploy it in much much quicker times than we were in the past.
My name is Brian Burmeister, I'm the manager of our infrastructure and operations engineering team at Johnson Financial. SHI builds a partnership through getting to know our business and truly understanding us and I would say being an extension of our I.T. Department versus a vendor. quasaracone executive, he really has his hands on everything that we're doing he has a great understanding again not only of our business but of I.T specifically and then the projects that we're working on and he spreads himself across our whole I.T organization. He's not just looking at one point of contact and using that person he'll engage with anybody that needs assistance so that's been great for us. You don't need to feel like you need to own the relationship he puts himself in the business of building those relationships which is great. I see SHI as an extension of our organization we again do not have a ton of I.T resources to support this organization and without SHI I don't know that we would accomplish what we do on a daily basis. Thank you for being Partners thank you for investing in JFG and helping us get to where we need to go.
Customer profile
Established in 1970, Johnson Financial Group provides banking and insurance services across Wisconsin and Minnesota.

SHI modernized JFG’s device procurement and deployment processes while renewing visibility into their asset disposition.
Digital Workplace  |  End User Computing  |  Financial Services & Insurance  |  IT Lifecycle Management  |  ITAM and SAM  |  Modern Desktop  |  Procurement
Estimated hours saved annually by leveraging SHI’s procurement portal.
Employees needing efficient support for hybrid work.
Maximum control
SHI’s Zero Touch X and Optimized License Position (OLP) services helped JFG regain critical visibility into their IT assets
SHI helps Johnson Financial Group modernize their device delivery, improve remote asset tracking, and refocus their IT resources.
Operating since 1970, Johnson Financial Group takes pride in the exceptional banking solutions they provide their customers across Wisconsin and Minnesota.
But as JFG attempted to modernize their IT and transition to a hybrid work model, two obstacles stood in their way. First, JFG needed to overhaul their time-intensive, ticket-based process for getting employees the devices they needed. Second, they lacked key visibility into the disposition of their IT assets.
All employee device requests, including peripherals, were made through an IT ticket, handled one-at-a-time by JFG’s IT team. This system was no match for the huge influx of hybrid peripheral requests they’d receive. JFG’s service desk would become so flooded with requests that actual, urgent IT needs would get lost in the noise.
Adding to the chaos, JFG also needed to improve asset tracking for all their widely distributed devices and applications. Their IT team was stuck in a cycle of training and reeducation to meet their new needs. And when it became clear their existing Microsoft service provider couldn’t guide them through right-sizing their licensing, JFG knew they couldn’t reach their goals alone. They turned to SHI for help.
To streamline our customer’s device procurement process, SHI collaborated with the JFG team to build a custom ordering portal with offerings based on the organization’s standards. We helped JFG automate the process for employees to choose their preferred equipment and enabled users to view real-time inventory information, informing their selections based on what could quickly ship.
Our custom portal solution standardized hardware ordering and provisioning, while our Zero Touch X deployment and configuration services enabled our customer to modernize their device deployment. JFG could now refocus IT staff on more strategic initiatives.
To regain control of JFG’s overall IT asset visibility and better prepare for their upcoming Microsoft renewal, SHI’s IT asset management (ITAM) team performed Process Maturity and Optimized License Position (OLP) assessments. Our experts created a single, reliable view of all relevant and auditable hardware and software assets while highlighting the strengths and weaknesses in their current ITAM processes. Then, we analyzed their license purchase history to right-size their entitlements for each vendor and safeguard JFG against audit and compliance risk.
Through our discoveries, SHI gave much-needed visibility into the licensing components of JFG’s environment. We provided actionable, tailored roadmaps for asset management, license consolidation, audit readiness, and contract renegotiation.
SHI’s custom ordering portal helped Johnson Financial Group consolidate vendors, provide individualized device configuration, and drastically reduce total IT hands-on via Zero Touch X. Supporting approximately 1,200 employees, this new, streamlined process is estimated to have saved JFG about 2,000 hours of work within the past year.
And in the words of Erin Zickus, JFG’s Senior VP IT Director, “You’re never going to succeed at knowing Microsoft like SHI knows Microsoft.” Our Team of ITAM experts helped set JFG on the path toward contract compliance, agreement organization, and license right-sizing.
With help from SHI, JFG modernized their IT processes, refocused resources toward strategic initiatives, empowered effective hybrid work, and created automated, standardized device procurement processes.
“SHI is a huge company, but it doesn’t feel that way. Our account team makes us feel like we are the most important customer. They are super organized, dependable, and reliable. It’s awesome that we can rely on them.”- Brian Burmeister, VP, IT Operations Manager